Love Bombing vs. Genuine Love: How to Tell the Difference

1 min readApr 7, 2023


Are you being love-bombed? Uncover the truth now.

In this article, we will explore the signs of love bombing and how to tell the difference between genuine love and love bombing.

Love bombing can happen in any type of relationship, and it is essential to understand the signs of love bombing to protect yourself.

It is a manipulation tactic used by some people in relationships. It is a behavior where one person overwhelms the other with affection, attention, and gifts to gain control and manipulate them.

What is Love Bombing?

Love bombing is a manipulation tactic used to control and manipulate someone by overwhelming them with affection, attention, and gifts.

It can be difficult to detect because it often feels like genuine love and kindness, but it is not. The goal of love bombing is to gain control of the person by creating a dependency on the love bomber.

Love bombers often use this technique to get what they want from the other person, such as money, sex, or control.

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